High Energy Physics
In many research centers storage rings are joined to accumulate a high beam current and accelerate to higher energies. Highest energies are achieved today at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) ring at CERN in Geneva.
Many storage rings use the Synchrotron light generated in electron storage rings as a brilliant source of Radiation e.g. for material science. While linear accelerators require at least high vacuum pressures, the storage rings need ultra-high vacuum, in very large machines 10-11 mbar or below!
At Leybold, we understand the behavior of the material and equipment in hard radiation and within strong magnetic fields. This is mandatory to generate and maintain the insulation vacuum of very large superconducting magnets and to safeguard the required leak tightness.
Working alongside the particle accelerator community, UHV Design has been asked to solve a range of specific manipulation challenges.
Examples of our custom actuators include:
Beam Profile Monitors
Beam Shaping Devices
Magnet Core Reset Devices
X-ray Wavefront Detector
Beam Filters (Attenuators)
Nano Vacuum is proud to supply a range of precision parts and systems that are fundamental to the open access and cooperative research underlying synchrotron science. Our key product offering for the sector includes:
CM Series multi-way feedthroughs
Safety components including pressure burst discs
Special materials viewports, including non-magnetic as well as DUV-grade fused silica versions
A large range of Kapton wires including Radiation-resistant